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The Magnus Method

Produktinformationen "The Magnus Method"

What is it that makes Magnus Carlsen the strongest chess player in the world?

Why do his opponents, the best players around, fail to see his moves coming? Moves that, when you replay his games, look natural and self-evident?

Emmanuel Neiman has been studying Carlsen’s games and style of play for many years. He now presents his findings that will surprise, delight and educate every player, regardless of their level.

Examining Carlsen’s abilities together with Emmanuel Neiman is a delightful way to get to understand chess better and unlock you own potential.

Learn all about  the key elements that make Magnus Carlsen the strongest and most popular chess player in the world, explained by French chess master and successful chess author Emmanuel Neiman.

Surprising and accessible lessons for all chess players, both in chess technique and in psychology.
A delightful way for amateurs to unlock their full potential.

ISBN: 9789056919689

Eigenschaften "The Magnus Method"
Autor: Neiman Emmanuel
Einband: Paperback (kartoniert)
Erscheinungsjahr: 1. Auflage 2021
Höhe/Breite: H 24,00 cm / B 17,00 cm
Seitenzahl: 320
Sprache: Englisch

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