- Biographien
- Chinesisches Schach
- Computerschach
- Endspiele
- Aljechin-Verteidigung
- Allgemeine Lehrbücher
- Budapester Gambit
- Caro-Kann
- Damenbauernspiele
- Damengambit
- Damenindisch
- Englische Eröffnung
- Englische Verteidigung
- Eröffnungsfallen
- Flankeneröffnungen
- Französisch
- Gambits
- Grünfeldindisch
- Halboffene Spiele
- Holländisch
- Italienisch
- Königsgambit
- Königsindisch
- Londoner System
- Morra-Gambit
- Modernes Benoni
- Moderne Verteidigung
- Nimzowitsch-Indisch
- Offene Spiele
- Pirc-Ufimzew
- Repertoirebücher
- Réti
- Sizilianisch
- Skandinavisch
- Spanisch
- Unregelmäßige Eröffnungen
- Wolga/Benkö-Gambit
- Heiteres
- Lehr- und Trainingsbücher
- Mittelspiele
- Partiensammlungen
- Problemschach
- Roman
- Schachgeschichte
- Schachspsychologie
- Turnierbuch
- Verschiedenes
- Zeitschriften
- Erzählung
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge.
The Old Indian has a well-deserved reputation as a sound defence to 1 d4. Black employs an easy-to-learn system of development, seizes a firm foothold in the centre and aims to create counterplay from a solid platform. In this book, Old Indian expert Junior Tay invites you to join him in studying the opening and its many variations. Using illustrative games, Tay highlights the tactical and positional ideas for both sides, provides repertoire options for Black and offers answers all the key questions. This book will tell you everything you need to know about playing the Old Indian Defence.
Essential guidance and training in the Old Indian
Offers repertoire options for Black
Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study